Wednesday, April 21, 2010

(What Do I Know]*


Pluto has beeen questioned by many scienctist refereing to wheather its a plant or not. Well, over the years it has come to a conclusion that Pluto is a dwarf planet. Pluto is located in the Kuiper Belt, which consist of my other objects in outer space.


Telescopes are used by many people to examine objects in outer space that the human eye are not capable of seeing. Telescopes are used to see stars, planet, or anything that someone desires to see.

(3)Dwarf Planets

Dwarf planets are planets that are not fully grown. They aren't fully acknowledged ot recognized like Earth, Venus, and the other regular planets. Pluto for instance, after many years of research has been clarified as a dwarf planet.

(4)Asteroid Belt

Astroid belts are belts that lie between Mars and Jupiter that have lots of asteroids. At times some asteriods may drift off and bump into other objects.

(5)The Moon

The moon was once moonlets that formed the large moon. At one point the Earth had no moon. The mooon is about the same age as the Earth.

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